Horizon 2020 What is the Timeline for the Application? Posted on March 19, 2019March 18, 2020 Since I am frequently asked about the specific timeline and duration for the EU’s SME Instrument funding, here is a brief overview of how long it takes to apply: Phase 1: – There are 4 deadlines per year for which applications can be submitted (usually February, May, September and… Read more
Horizon 2020 Professional Grant Proposal Writing Posted on October 12, 2017April 12, 2019 Why hire a professional grant proposal writer? The EC has published templates for grant proposals but they are very general and do not guide the applicant to the content that makes a high-quality proposal. We know what evaluators are looking for and what content needs to actually be in the… Read more
Horizon 2020 What is Phase 1 for and What Comes Next? Posted on August 29, 2017October 13, 2017 The purpose of Horizon 2020s SME Instrument Schemes Phase 1 is a feasibility study for the project (lasting around 6 months depending on the specific topic) and is financed with a flat rate of €50,000. The feasibility study entails the development of a business plan and assesses the viability of the… Read more
Horizon 2020 What Is the H2020 SME Instrument Phase 1 Funding? Posted on August 29, 2017May 23, 2020 The SME Instrument is a €3 billion funding scheme that is part of the largest EU research and innovation programme in of the EU called Horizon 2020 (€80 billion budget). By the end of 2020, 7500 Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) will have received funding over a period of 6… Read more
Horizon 2020 The Success Rate For Receiving Government Funding Posted on August 29, 2017October 13, 2017 This version considers the SME Instrument 2016-2017. Once the 2018 topics are released, it will be updated. A list of all beneficiaries for the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument can be found here (both Phase 1 & 2). To find out what topics are generally eligible for funding, please read What Types of… Read more
Horizon 2020 What Information Is Needed to Write A Proposal? Posted on August 29, 2017March 20, 2019 Before we begin our first video call, irrespective of a contract being signed or not, both parties will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) – (details via Email). During our first video call (2 to 2.5h) we will discuss the main points of the project and we will cover everything from the… Read more
Horizon 2020 How To Improve Your Chances of Getting Funded Posted on August 29, 2017May 23, 2020 To find out if your project is suitable for funding, please read What Types of Industries Receive Funding?. Three of the four evaluators that will review the proposal have a business background and only one will have a technical or scientific background. While it is impossible to know what the… Read more
Horizon 2020 Can My Company Receive Funding from the EU? Posted on August 29, 2017October 9, 2020 To see if the project is eligible for funding in one of the 13 topics, please read What Types of Industries Receive Funding?. More information and FAQs by the European Commission can be found here. Your company can apply with a project proposal if: It registered in an EU-28 country such… Read more
Horizon 2020 What Types of Industries Receive Funding? Posted on August 29, 2017May 23, 2020 The detailed topic descriptions can be found here. When you are unsure if a specific topic applies to your project, please read the detailed description carefully. To gain an overview of the topics, continue reading. To find out if your company can receive funding by the EU, please read Can… Read more
Horizon 2020 My Proposal Has a High Score But Was Rejected, What Now? Posted on August 27, 2017March 20, 2019 The Score All proposals above a threshold of 13 receive the “Seal of Excellence” and are eligible for funding. Unfortunately, the budget of the SME Topics is limited and the higher the number of applicants, the lower the chances to receive funding. Usually, proposals will get funded starting at a score… Read more