What is the Timeline for the Application? Posted on March 19, 2019March 18, 2020 By Stephan Segler, Ph.D. Since I am frequently asked about the specific timeline and duration for the EU’s SME Instrument funding, here is a brief overview of how long it takes to apply: Phase 1: – There are 4 deadlines per year for which applications can be submitted (usually February, May, September and November) – 1 Month is required to prepare the application so that there is enough time to get all support documents ready – 4 to 8 weeks until the result is out – 6 to 12 weeks until the grant agreement contract is signed (and the first part of the grant is received) Once Phase 1 is funded, it should take 3-5 month to prepare the feasibility study and to get ready for Phase 2. The process for Phase 2 is similar to Phase 1 with 4 deadlines per year and roughly the same waiting periods. Important: If the first application is rejected then the next deadline will be 3 months later which means that each re-submission increases the time needed to receive the grant. Horizon 2020 Phase 1 Phase 2 SME Instrument / EIC Accelerator EIC Accelerator deadlineEIC Accelerator grantEIC Accelerator submissionInvestorsSME Instrument Phase 1SME Instrument Phase 2Timelinetip#10Writing Tips
EIC Accelerator Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) for the EIC Accelerator (SME Instrument) Posted on May 28, 2020October 9, 2020 To apply for the EIC Accelerator (SME Instrument Phase 2) financing, your project will need to be at the prototype level which is defined as TRL6 (i.e. proof-of-concept) according to the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) classifications which are ranging from TRL1 (i.e. basic research or idea stage) to TRL9 (i.e…. Read More
EIC Accelerator EIC Accelerator DeepDive: Analyzing the Industries, Countries and Funding Types of EIC Accelerator Winners (2021-2024) Posted on June 6, 2024June 8, 2024 The EIC Accelerator funding (grant and equity, with blended financing option) by the European Innovation Council (EIC) and European Commission (EC) has supported 563 companies between 2021 and 2024 in a variety of different industries. It is a key program for DeepTech entrepreneurs in the EU and countries associated with… Read More
EIC Accelerator The New EIC Accelerators Read Deck (SME Instrument) Posted on April 24, 2021April 20, 2021 The EIC Accelerator blended financing (formerly SME Instrument Phase 2, grant and equity) has recently introduced a new type of pitch deck for Step 1 of the evaluation process. This can be viewed as a ‘real-only deck‘ or a ‘read deck‘ since it will not be used for the Step… Read More